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Definition - 'Talking Machine'
a machine that reproduces sound by means of a needle in contact with a grooved cylinder or disc,
(phonograph), and a mechanical device constructed using mechanisms and instruments to replicate
the human vocal organs and throat.
A History of the Talking Machines,
WebArticles, Books, and Media
Links to Articles, Ebooks, Media on the History of the Phonograph
Talking Machines, Wax Cylinders, Early Record Labels and Artists
Web Articles Books/Essays & Media
A Brief History of Recording to ca. 1950: - AHRC - Research Centre
A Brief History of the Talking Machine: Lightandsound.net - Australia
A Day With Thomas A. Edison: 1922, Early Film Footage of His Life
Against All Odds: - Commercial Sound Recording and Reproduction
A Homemade Edison Tinfoil Phonograph by Andrew McNeese et al.
Charles Pathé and the Phonograph: Grahame N's Online Webpage
Earliest Sound Recordings - Short History of Cylinders, (Hagley.org)
Edison Talking Doll Cylinder Sounds: Thomas Edison National Park
Europeana Recording and Playing Machines, Wax Cylinder & Discs
History of the Cylinder Phonograph: The Library of Congress Article
How a Columbia Record is Made: - Parts One and Two, (1928) Film
How the Phonograph Changed Music Forever - Smithsonian: - Web
How the Cylinder Phonograph Works - Physicist Bob Lillquist Video
Indigenous American Cylinder Recordings, The Library of Congress
Joseph Faber and the Euphonia Talking Device: - Complete History
Native American Cylinders Connect Cultures Across Time - Website
Optical, Reproduction of Sounds - From Phonograph Wax Cylinders
Optical Scanning Technology Indigenous Languages from Cylinders
Phonographic Industry & Recorded Music a Long Misunderstanding
Playing History: The Digital Rebirth of Old Media, by Patrick Feaster
Science Museum Group: - Eavesdropping on History, by Kerry Grist
The Early Years of the Acoustic Phonograph, 1877-1921, McQueary
The History of Recorded Music, and it's Roots: Abbey Road Studios
The Painstaking Art of Record Restoration The BBC Archive (1971)
The Phonograph in the Preservation of the Languages of the Indian
The Story of Thomas A. Edison: Documentary from the Film Archive
Unlocking the Secrets of the Canna Sound Archive by F. Mackenzie
Where do Cultures go when they Die: The Indian & the Phonograph
Women & the Rise of Sound Recordings: United States, 1877-1913
Complete Manual of the Edison Phonograph, Facsimile NJ (1897)
by George Tewksbury
Development of the Phonograph in America Self Published (1949)
by Allen G Debus
The Fabulous Phonograph 1877-1977 Library of Congress (1954)
by Roland Gelatt
From Tin Foil to Stereo, Evolution of the Phonograph - N.Y. (1976)
by Oliver Read & Walter Welch
America on Record: History of Recorded Sound; New York, (2005)
by Andre Millard
Recording History - The British Record Industry, 1888-1931 (2013)
by Peter Martland
Encyclopedia of Recorded Sound in the United States, N.Y. (1993)
by Guy Marco & Frank Andrews
The RecordingLabels
(CLPGS Links)
* A Collection of Cylinder Indexes and Catalogues
* The Association of Recorded Sound Collections Presentations
Further Information
* The Remarkable Life of Colonel George Gouraud by Howard Hope
Surrealist Depictions of the Phonograph
* Jamais by Oscar Dominguez Photograph by JL Denoix, Museu Picasso
* The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington (A Surrealist Novel) (1974)
1950s Popular Rock n Roll on Record
* All I have to do is dream by the Everly Brothers Cadence Records (1958)
Photo Credits:
The Edison Talking Machine, Early Drawing (1887)
Zonophone on Speaking Terms Trademark (1907)
Joseph Faber's Talking Machine Euphonia (1845)
Joseph Faber Mavellous Talking Machine (1845)
Euphonia Recreation by Bigans from Indonesia